2015년 10월 9일 금요일

앙리 피에르 로쉐가 74세때 쓴 첫번째 소설이자 자전적 소설이 원작이라고.
괜찮아, 이건 영화야. 라고 생각했는데.
이런 관계가 실재할 수 있는거니?
실재 할 수 있지 암.

2015년 10월 1일 목요일

"Marry, and you will regret it. Do not marry, and you will also regret it. Marry or do not marry, you will regret it either way. Whether you marry or you do not marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the stupidities of the world, and you will regret it; weep over them, and you will also regret it. Laugh at the stupidities of the world or weep over them, you will regret it either way. Whether you laugh at the stupidities of the world or you weep over them, you will regret it either way. Trust a girl, and you will regret it. Do not trust her, and you will also regret it. ... Hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret it either way. Whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret it either way. You'll regret it. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all life's wisdom." Ecstatic Discourse from Diapsalmata