2015년 12월 27일 일요일

My name's Ivan. My occupation?
Well I've been working tenty years at the gaskrankinstation downtown.
I love the cars, y'know
Without me they wouldn't go very far
I like the smell
I like my work
But my wife, she makes me feel like such a jerk when I can't
Get it up
Sometimes I look at her and I don't feel anybody in there.

I got a cat. Called Ed.
Aw, he's a vicious little bugger when it comes to being fed.
I got a tv set or two
But we'll have to get a man in 'cause one of them blew up
Maybe. One day.
I might just take up the piano again, but aw, you know.
What the hell.
Most of the time everything is just swell around here.

I got a couple of friends and they're both called Dave, y'know,
Sometimes those guys just dunno how to behave.
They get drunk and boy you just can't take 'em anywhere.
But my wife,
Don't approve
And she keeps on asking me when we're gonna move.
Why can't we have a child?
Sometimes I wonder why I never managed to knock some sense into her.
Aw, shit.
You know what I'm talking about.

As long as my heart keeps thumpin'
I guess I'll keep on pumpin' gas.
Sometimes I wonder
If there really is a God.
But when I walk
Home from work
Well I usually go by that big new church,
And that young priest's eyes are shining bright.
I look but I don't see anybody in there.

At night. I watch the news.
But I like the lady newsreader more than the reviews of the day.
What are they on about?
I wish I knew all the facts.
But I'm much too tired to think,
And my head is looking down from the edge of a brink
That's my body.

Sometimes I sit in myself and I don't feel anybody in there.


2015년 12월 24일 목요일

저수지엔 개들이 있구요 
달에는 사람이 있어요 
밥솥엔 콩밥이 있구요 
맘에는 노래가 있어요 
밤에는 그리움이 있구요 
나에겐 아직 시간이 많아요 
내 시계는 방수가 안되구요 
내 기타는 rock n roll 
저수지엔 개들이 있구요 
달에는 사람이 있어요 
밤에는 그리움이 있구요 
나에겐 아직 시간이 많아요

2015년 12월 19일 토요일